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Serious Texas Truck Accidents Can Be Caused by Unsecured Loads

 Posted on February 25, 2022 in Truck Accidents

TX accident lawyerWhile most of us have seen news coverage of catastrophic truck accidents caused by falling objects from unsecured items in truck beds, most of us never imagine that such a thing will happen to us. Yet thousands of people’s lives are changed every year in the United States when improperly loaded truck cargo comes loose and strikes vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.

The injuries from such truck accidents are often serious and life-threatening, often requiring years of treatment and therapy without the chance of a full recovery. If you have suffered from an unsecured truck cargo accident, a Dallas truck accident attorney may be able to help you seek compensation from the responsible party.

Common Objects From Unsecure Truck Loads

As trucks fly down the highway, garbage, rocks, hay, and other small items often come flying out. These can certainly create hazardous conditions. More serious, however, are objects like those used in construction and farming that tend to be heavier and larger, like lumber, rebar, landscaping equipment, and even vehicles like smaller frontloaders and tractors. When these larger objects strike a vehicle or fall into the road, they can cause instantaneous chaos, injury, and death as other cars try to serve to avoid being struck.

Who Is Responsible for Falling Truck Cargo?

The answer to this question depends on several factors. Sometimes, the driver loaded the vehicle poorly, failed to inspect its safety mechanisms, or drove recklessly, causing the cargo to come loose. In these cases, the driver of the vehicle may be directly responsible for the accident. Other times, a separate cargo company has loaded a tractor-trailer and failed to follow Texas law regarding cargo distribution and securement. Sometimes a manufacturing company is responsible for making parts that do not function correctly and break during transit.

Sometimes, nobody did anything wrong and the accident was an unfortunate tragedy. But without a comprehensive investigation with the help of attorneys experienced in gathering information about a catastrophic trucking accident, the responsible party may never be uncovered.

Talk to a Dallas Truck Accident Lawyer

The damage to an individual and the people who love her following a serious accident caused by an unsecured truck load can be devastating. At Clark Law Group, our sensitive, experienced Dallas truck accident injuries attorneys are committed to working with you to help you pursue compensation whenever possible. We will try to ease your burden and manage the legal aspects of an injury lawsuit so you can focus on healing. Call us today at 469-906-2266 to schedule a free case review.



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